
Web & Software Developer

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A Bit About Myself

I am a Colorado native who had lived in the Denver area for practically my entire life until 2021, when I moved to Colorado Springs. I have a strong passion for learning new, innovative ways of creating software, specifically in a web environment. I currently primarily use React and Node to create intuitive applications and websites such as this one! Looking forward to hearing from you.

What I Do

Software Engineer

I create high quality websites built with contemporary user interfaces using modern back end technologies.


I currently primarily work with the following technologies: HTML/CSS, JavaScript, React, Node, and MongoDB.

Personal Interests

Much of my free time is spent with my family. I love the outdoors, discovering new music, and playing video games with friends.


Cheyne Potter Design

Cheyne Potter Design

Lyrics for Spotify

Lyrics for Spotify

MERN To-Do List App

MERN To-Do List App

Conway's Game of Life

Conway's Game of Life



Resume Highlights


Freelance Web/Software Developer and C.S. Tutor


2018 - Present


B.S. Computer Science

Metropolitan State University of Denver

Spring 2020

Associate of Science

Community College of Denver

Fall 2017